Parenthetic Dev

Creating static websites with Elisp

I’m writing this site using a custom static site generator written in elisp. HTML is generated via my templating library Mel. Mel transforms a sexp-based syntax into a syntax Emacs’s built-in dom.el can interpret. e.g.

(mel-node '(p@identified.classy [:data t] "A classy paragraph with an ID and attributes."))

Which produces:

((p ((class . "classy") (id . "identified") (data . "t")) "A classy paragraph with an ID and attributes."))

There’s also the mel function which converts directly to a printed representation:

(let ((mel-print-compact nil))
  (mel '(.example (p "Hello, World."))))
<div class="example">
  <p>Hello, World.</p>

Code blocks

The site generator implements a custom mel file reader for markdown files which parses markdown frontmatter so it can be injected into mel’s templates. This article’s frontmatter:


provides the pages title, and metadata. Which is bound to mel-data and accessible via mel-get and mel-set in templates. The main template makes use of this information:

;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(let ((title (mel-get 'title)))
  `( html [:lang "en"]
      (meta [:charset UTF-8])
      (meta [:name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, intial-scale=1.0"])
      ,@(when title `((meta [:property "og:title" :content ,(format "%s" title)])))
      (meta [:property "og:type" :og-type ,(or (mel-get 'type)
                                               (if (string-match-p "articles/" (mel-get 'url))
                                                   "article" "website"))])
      (meta [:property "og:site_name" :content "(Parenthetic Dev)"])
      (meta [:property "og:url" :content ,(mel-get 'url 'err)])
      (meta [ :property "og:image"
              :content ""])
      (meta [ :property "og:description"
              :content ,(or (mel-get 'description) (concat user-full-name "'s website"))])
      (link [ :rel "icon" :type "image/x-icon" :href "/assets/images/favicon.ico"])
      (link [ :rel "stylesheet"
              :href ""])
      (link [ :rel "stylesheet" :href "/assets/css/main.css"])
      (title "Parenthetic Dev"))
      (header (h1 (a [:href "/"] "Parenthetic Dev")))
      (nav ,@(cl-loop for (page . href) in
                      '(("about") ("projects" . "") ("tags"))
                      collect `(a [:href ,(or href (concat "/" page))] ,page)))
       ,@(when title `((h2 ,title)))
       ,@(when-let ((date (mel-get 'date))) `((.page-info "✍ " (time[:datetime ,date] ,date))))
       ;;Handle readers which return single spec or list of specs
       ,@(let ((content (mel-get 'content 'err)))
           (if (symbolp (car content)) (list content) content))
        (p "Author: " ,user-full-name " " (a [:href ,(concat "mailto:" user-mail-address)] ,user-mail-address)))))))